"But what I want first of all..... is to be at peace with myself. I want a singleness of eye, a purity of intention, a central core to my life that will enable me to carry out my obligations and activities as well as I can. I want, in fact to live "in grace" as much of the time as possible. I am not using this term in a strictly theological sense. By grace I mean an inner harmony, essentially spiritual, whch can be translated into outward harmony." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
When in Thailand, our group spent a wonderful day on a traditional Thai long-tail boat visiting some of the surrounding islands. We spent time on the beach looking for a special shell known as “Shivas Eye”. The beachcomber in me was very enthusiastic to look for these shells! The picture above is the one that I found, a rare treasure from Thailand. The shell is characterized by a swirl at the center. It is the trap door of a larger shell belonging to the Turban Sea Snail. As the snail retreats into it’s shell, it shuts this door. The shivas eye blocks the entrance and serves to protect the snail. Finding this shell is believed to bring good fortune and protection. It is named after the Hindu god Shiva.
This shell reminds me of the importance of taking time to get quiet and listen to the wisdom within. The third eye center, in the teachings of yoga, is also known as the sixth chakra, ajna chakra. It is located at the center of the forehead and extends into the center of the brain at the pineal gland. When the sixth chakra is balanced, one feels clarity of thought and a strong sense of intuition and insight. Chanting the seed sound of ohm vibrates the chakra and brings a balancing energy there. Practicing meditation on the third eye is a powerful way to help quiet the fluctuations of the mind and eases connection with inner wisdom and spirit. It helps us find our focus and live more in grace. I love how the tools of yoga along with symbols in nature are always guiding us to spiral inward and help us to connect with that place at our center where there is wisdom and peace.